Sunday, June 29, 2014

Use TPL/ TaskCompletionSouce to Implement DownloadAsync

Using Task create non-blocking, TaskCompletionSource SetResult helps send result accross
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Task<string> t = DownloadAsync();
            Console.WriteLine("Do some other work while wating for Async Donwload");
            Console.WriteLine("other work done");
            t.ContinueWith((t1) => { Console.WriteLine(t1.Result); });
            // Task.WaitAny(new[] { t }); Wait =Readline to keep program running
           // Console.WriteLine(t.Result);

        static Task DownloadAsync()
            TaskCompletionSource<string> ts = new TaskCompletionSource<string>();
            string i="";
            Task.Factory.StartNew(()=> { i = DownloadSync(); }).ContinueWith((t)=>
            { ts.SetResult(i); });
            return ts.Task;

        static string DownloadSync()
            return "Data";

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