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Friday, July 13, 2012

State Machine Desing Pattern

  #region SM definition and setup

    public interface IState
        void EventSink(string eventData);
        void GoToNextState();

    public class StateMachine
        List _states ;
        public IState CurrentState { get; set; }
        public StateMachine()
            _states = new List() { new State1(this), new State2(this)};  // omited Start and End State

        public void SignalEvent(string infor)
            if (infor == "Start")
                CurrentState = (from _ in _states where _.GetType() == typeof(State1) select _).FirstOrDefault();

        internal void MoveState(IState st)
            if (st.GetType() == typeof(State1))  // State2 would have move to End State
                CurrentState = (from _ in _states where _.GetType() == typeof(State2) select _).FirstOrDefault();


    #region Concrete States

    public class State1 : IState
        StateMachine _sm;
        public State1(StateMachine sm)
            _sm = sm;
        public void EventSink(string eventData)
            if (eventData == "RequiredInforType1Received")
                Console.WriteLine("Processing Type1 Infor");
                Console.WriteLine("Passed, move to state2");

        public void GoToNextState()

    public class State2 : IState
        StateMachine _sm;
        public State2(StateMachine sm)
            _sm = sm;
        public void EventSink(string eventData)
            if (eventData == "RequiredInforType2Received")
                Console.WriteLine("Processing Type2 Infor");
                Console.WriteLine("Passed, move to end state");

        public void GoToNextState()


        static void Main(string[] args)
            StateMachine sm = new StateMachine();

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