Explain various ISchedulers .Immediate --- Single Threaded .CurrentThread -- Single Threaded + Msq Q for chain nest .NewThread -- EventLoopScheduler of its own .TaskPool/ThreadPool --- out of order .EventLoopScheduler --- true multi-threading Func<ThreadStart,Thread> !=CurrentThread .DispatcherScheduler --pitfall, .instance=> new instance not started Explain IObservable<int> Publish/Connect extension methods? How this compare to Lazy<T> vs. List<T> When this can lose some data ? ( subscribe after connect. How Publish will allow subscribe all has the same set of data? Why .RefCount() is better? Auto Connect +eagar dispose(); CompareSubscribeSafe vs. Subcribe.Subscribe()? translate Synchronous Exception to OnError How do you use Observable.FromEventPatterh? Observable.FromEventPattern<EventHandler, EventArgs> What SelectMany does when using Buffer(2,2)? (0,1,2,...)=>((0,1),(3,4)..) flattern What does CombineLatest return? a list Compare Zip vs. Merge? How Cancat fit in? Different Type needs Func to map, same type. How do you use Any, All, Contain? How do you use Distinct, DistinctUntilChanged, Skip, SkilUntil, Take, TakeUntil? How to generate Observable<T> as Test data? IEnumerable<IObservable<long>> getSeq() { yield return Observable.Create<long>( obsr => { return Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)). select (i=>1L) .subscribe(obsr) }); } What is a Subject? observer and Observable How do u use StartWith? Concat at 1st place Compare Merge, Amb, Switch? Ambigous io1,io2,io3.. first reponded turn off others Switch switch the most recent io, turn off others. e.g. search box narrow down.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
INTQ --Threading, C#
Explain SpinLock, SpinWait? vs lock sl.enter/exit while(!flag {sw.Spin(100);} Explain how Memory Barrier works? Thread.MemoryBarrier(), Caching Optimization can move instruction around What is Re-entrant? How Semaphore works? SemaphoreSlimw= new (3);_sm.Wait(); block after 3 entrer; sm.Release(); Explain InterLock.Increment/Decrement for 64-bit on 32-bit environment? need two separate instrument InterLock.Increment(ref i); How to use Cancellaton Token in Task? CancelationTokenSource src. src.Token pass in What are SynchronizationContext? Send/Post, Dispatcher, WF/ASPNet How do you use BlockingCollection? How the exception in Thread handled? WPF/WF App.DispatcherUnhandledExpcetion/ThreadExcetion UI Thread AppDomain.Current.UnhandledException General --Process Shutdown, Calling thread will not see it. How to use TaskCompletionSource? StateMachine, Task workflow, tcs.Task ReadOnly, tcs.SetResult/Cancel/Exception How to use Parallel.For ? Parallel.For(1,100,Action<int>) why Binary search is O(logn)? What is Volatile, [Thread Static] and Thread Local ? access by all thread, not optimize, each static field has its own copy, each thread has its own. Is Lazy thread safe ? set by 1st thread, if IsThreadSafe=true; What is Priority Inversion? L hold up H due to resource lock, M comes in unblocked so M>L, make L temporarity High to exec, release H what is Thread Stavation ? L cannot do much since H occupy. Explain how Monitor.Pulse/Wait work? Pulse signal to get on ReadyQueue, Wait to sit on waitQueue. vs. Enter/Exit How to setup BeginInvoke/EndInvoke for Action? Action a; a.BeginInvoke(new AsyncCallback(cb_f,a)); void (cb_f(IAsyncResult ar) { Action a=ar.AsyncState as Action; a.EndInvoke();} Explain Dinning Philosopher Problem? (Minitor, Executor, Manager) What is Mutex? Mutex.TryOpenExisting("Name", out m); m.WaitOne(); m.ReleaseMutex(); What is Multi-cast Delegate? D d1,d2; MuticastDelegate mcd=D.Combine(d1,d2); How much does it cost to set up a thread? 200K CPU cycle, 1M Stack,64 bit 6 Kernal Pages, 2K cycle for Context Switching. Explain GC and WeakReference Reachable -- strong ref, Unreachable/FinalizerQueue =long/short weakref, 2-phase GC. WeakReference wObj= new(TrackResurrection=true); wObj.Target is strongRef but check null needed. What is an example of a Closure? Func f=delegate { int i=5; i=outside var; return 5;} Explain Syntax for Enumerable.Aggragate ((acc,i)=>acc+i) Explain UML notations of Realization/Inheritance/Aggragation/Composition/Association Explain Design Pattern Visitor/Singleton/ What is Rx CombineLastest?
Monday, May 4, 2015
What are dependency properties? How to u used it (binding) What are behavior? Various Layout panel (Stack,Grid, Canvas, Dock, Wrap) Attached Property INPC What is ICommand and how to set it up? how do you use DelegateCommand Dynamic vs. static resources How to specify Grid Column Width 26,26*, auto? What is adorner What are routed events ? type Direct, Bubbling, Turnelling What are automationId? How do u bind bool to visibility? what is multibinding How do u used ConverterParameter Explain Unity vs. MEF. What is dependency injection What is the problem of TextBox binding double? (string.EMpty to null ,TargetNullValue={x:Static sys:String.Empty} } ) Explian Visual vs. logical tree Explain FrameworkElement, UIElement, Visual, DependencyObject, DispatcherObject, Explain these triggers ( Property Trigger, Event Trigger, Data Trigger, Muti Trigger) Explain ItemsControl, ContentPresenter,DataTemplate,ContentControl, ItemTemplate, What is TypeConverter ? Explain Template, ContentTemplate, ControlTempalte and DataTemplate? e.g <ItemsControl Template=CT/P ItemTeplate=DT ItemsPanel=ItemPanelTemp/WrapP /> Explain the syntax <ContentControl binding to datasource and use DataTemplate to display <ContentControl Content={Binding Source={StaticRes} ContentTemplate={StaticRes DT1} /> <DataTemplate x:key=DT1> ...</DT> How do you restyle a button by replace its template? <style targetType=Button><setter prop=OvewrrideDefaultDefaultStyle v=true/> <setting Property="Template><setter.value><ControlTemplate>... What is Theme and how do you use it in your UserControl? <App.Res><ResDict source="1.xaml" Explain two way to use EventTrigger? <Button><i:Interaction.Triggers><t:EventTrigger EventNam=><i:InvokeCommandAction> <TextBox><TB.Triggers><EventTrigger><BeginStoryBoard> <Win.Triggers><EventTrigger RoutedEvent=><StoryBoard> Listing places where you can use DataTemplate? <style><style.triggers><datatemplate binding=><setter> <ContentControl ContentTemplate /> How FrameworkElement.CommandBindings work? How to use DataTrigger in Style? <Style.Triggers><DataTrigger Bidng Value><DataTrigger.EnterActions><BeginStoryBoard> What is TemplateBinding ? <ControlTemplate x;Key=CT><StackPanel><Textblock text={TemplateBinding Content}/> <Button Content=123 Template={StaticRes CT}/> How do you use DataTemplate in a ListBox through style and use a datatrigger? Describe MultiBinding vs. Multi trigger syntax? <TB.Text><MB Converter><Binding/><Binding/> <Style.Triggers><MDT><*.Conditions><Cond bind val/><Cond /><Setter ../> Describe the structure usage of HeaderedItemsControl / .Header .Itemtemp .template <ControlTemp><StackPan><ContentPresenter Content={Templatebinding Header} /> <ItemsPresenter/> Describe ItemsControl templating? <ITC><*.Template><ControlTemp><ItemPresenter/> <*.ItemsPanel><O|ItemPanelTemp> <*.ItemTemplate><DataTemp> <*.TemContainerStyle<Style>
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