Saturday, November 29, 2014

IDataErroInfo in MVVM +Presenter

(1) MVVM INPC not compativle with Validation Event so OnPropertyChanged instead
(2) Consider Grid Cell validation and Ok button CanExecute
(3) IDXDataErrorInfo is for view,VM validation required custom code
(4) IDXDataErrorInfo GetError Not implemented=> avoid clustered error on row level

      #region Validation for VM

        private bool _isValid;

        public bool IsValid
            get {  return _isValid; }
                if (_isValid != value)  // check to reduce chking CanExcecute
                    _isValid = value;
                    NotifyPropertyChanged(() => IsValid);

        public void Validate()
            int invalidChildrenCount= Children.Count(IsChildInvalid);
            bool allDataFieldValid = Validate("Pro1") == null && Validate("Pro2") ;
            IsValid= allDataFieldValid && invalidChildrenCount= == 0;

        private bool IsChirldInvalid(ChirldGridVMData Chirld)
            switch (SomeMode)
                case "Mode1":
                    if (Chirld.Validdate("Prop1") != null) return true; 

            switch (Mode2)

            return false; 

        private string Validate(string dataFieldName)

            switch (dataFieldName)
                case "VMProp1":
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Description))
                        return "Please enter ..."; // Non-empty description

            return null;

        public string EnsureReferenceChirldChecked()
            if (Chirlds.Count(l => l.IsRefChirld.HasValue && l.IsRefChirld.Value) >= 2)
                return "Only one Chirld can be reference.";

            if (Chirlds.Count(l => l.IsRefChirld.HasValue && l.IsRefChirld.Value) == 0)
                return "At least one Chirld must be reference.";
            return null;


        #region IDataErrorInfo for View

        public string this[string dataFieldName]
                //CommandManager.InvalidateRequerySuggested(); does not work
                var result = Validate(dataFieldName);
                return result;

        public string Error
                // return this[string.Empty or Null] does not work
                return null;


    public class LegGridVMData : ViewModelItemBase, IDXDataErrorInfo
        #region Fields

        private string _p1;
        public string VMP1
            get { return _p1;}
                _p1= value;
                NotifyPropertyChanged(() => WMP1);



        #region IDXDataErrorInfo for View

        public void GetError(ErrorInfo info)
          // chose not to cluster error message to row level

        public void GetPropertyError(string propertyName, ErrorInfo info)
            info.ErrorType = ErrorType.Information;
            info.ErrorText= Validdate(propertyName);


        #region Validation for VM

        public string Validdate(string propertyName)
            switch (propertyName)
                case "VMP1":
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(VMP1))
                        return "Please select a VMp1";

            return null;


        private bool CanExecuteOk()
            return ViewModel.IsValid;

        private void TriggerViewModelChirldsValidation()
            ViewModel.Chirlds = ViewModel.Chirlds;  // Hack: assign itself to trigger Validation, w/o makeing NotifyPropertyChanged public.

       void ListenToPropertyChangedEvent()
            if (ViewModel == null || ViewModel.Chirlds == null) return;
            foreach (var l in ViewModel.Chirlds)
                l.PropertyChanged += OnPropertyChanged;

            ViewModel.PropertyChanged += OnPropertyChanged;

        void OnPropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            if (e.PropertyName == "IsValid")  // IsValid changes => reevaluate CanExecute.
                var cmd = ViewModel.OkCommand as DeChirldateCommand;
                if (cmd != null) cmd.RaiseCanExecuteChanged();
            else  // otherwise, just do re-evaludation of IsValid

            if (e.PropertyName == "IsRef")
                TriggerViewModelChildrenValidation();  // Trigger one and only one Ref validation on Ref checkbox
