Blog Archive

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Using DevExpress Layout Manager access a View from Shell

When View (UserControl) cannot be access from Presenter and burried inside inside a shared DLL, you may use Shell Window
 to walk up/down tree. But some docking situation requires using DockLayoutManager to track down. 

            var shellWindow = _mySvc.GetApplicationShell() as XpfRibbonShellView;
            if (shellWindow == null) return;

            shellWindow.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() =>
                    // when TheView is docked
                    var wrkSpace = VisualTreeHelpers.FindChild<ContentControl>(shellWindow, "wrkSpace");
                    var gContent = VisualTreeHelpers.FindChild<GroupPaneContentPresenter>(wrkSpace, "PART_Content");
                    var lpItemsCtl = VisualTreeHelpers.FindChild<LayoutItemsControl>(gContent);

                    foreach (var i in lpItemsCtl.Items)
                        // TheView docked top layer
                        var lp = i as LayoutPanel;
                        if (lp != null && lp.Content is TheView)
                            lp.ShowCaption = true;

                        // TheView Tabbed inside another docked
                        var lg = i as LayoutGroup;
                        if (lg == null) continue;
                        foreach (var i2 in lg.Items)
                            var tg = i2 as TabbedGroup;
                            if (tg != null)
                                var layoutItems = tg.GetItems();
                                foreach (var lp2 in layoutItems.Cast<LayoutPanel>().Where(lp2 => lp2.Content is TheView))
                                    lp2.ShowCaption = true;
                            // TheView could end up here if close and then added back whiel in Tab mode
                            var lp3 = i2 as LayoutPanel;
                            if (lp3 != null && lp3.Content is TheView)
                                lp3.ShowCaption = true;

                    // When TheView is floating
                    foreach (var lp in shellWindow.DockLayoutManager.FloatGroups.SelectMany(fg => fg.Items.OfType<LayoutPanel>().Where(lp => lp.Content is TheView)))
                        lp.ShowCaption = true;

                    // All auto hide layout panel need to be handled here , not just TheView.
                    foreach (var lp in shellWindow.DockLayoutManager.AutoHideGroups.SelectMany(ahGroup => ahGroup.Items).OfType<LayoutPanel>())
                        lp.ShowCaption = true;
                catch (Exception ex)

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Low Latency Programing

Looks like their thinking are influenced by Peter Lowery' s Talk on Friday and possibly by
 Martin Fowler and Martin Thompson's writing about Low Latency.

I think there are two things highly relevant to Insight-Desktop (Carol, Hai, Daniel, Alec also in Peter's talk so please comment)

(1) Journaling, aka EventSourcing
   The idea is to log every input event and replay them to help debug PROD issue in DEV. Obviously, we need a low latency logger

(2) Profile Market watch.
   I think Market Data come in here. We should profile for GC pause, Lock contentioin, Caching.
   This help us to understand MVVM + Presenter pattern better in term of low latency,

Here are key points from their talk/writing

Setup correct performance test --- Theory are most likely wrong.
GC-Free  ---The biggest Performance cost is GC Pause
Lock-Free  ---- Lock cause Context switching, clear cache line
Cache Friendly --- L3 Cache is shared memory cross cores.
EventSourcing --- Replay input event to debug PROD in DEV, instead of analysing Log files

Actionable Items:

(1) Performance Benchmark Test App: 
    A WPF Unit testing simulator can be build for Logging, Journaling, Rx vs. .Net event, Market data <100 micro-second.

(2) Logging Improvement:
    a separate email thread already starting writing a logging using RingBuffer.


Shared Memory (L3 cache), Cache Friendly Collectioin
Thread Affinity and Isolation
Queue (LinkedList, Array) Ring Buffer, In Memory

Single Threaded, Fx 4.5 Async-Await
Journaler, Sequential Disk

Array is Cache Friendly.

64-bit Cache key, Concurrent Map/Segments, 1000 Segments. Producer never block to wait consumer

 Loop unrolling,Lock-coarsing, Inlining

Queue has fundamental Issues, Ring Buffer is better but on Dsktop cannot have 10M

Network: 10mcs local hop, 10GigE, FPGA market Data - even martin fowler has done a review of it - all the source code is on github - presentation on the architecture

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

How to visualize UI hanging using Concurrency Visualizer in VS 2013

Fx 4.5 Aysnc-Wait allow UI Processing 80%+ of time, while Fx 4.0 Blocking Collection only allow 20%-

Ring Buffer looks better in UI Processing more like 40%

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Classical Asyn Pattern and "AsyncRollingFileAppender" using BlockingCollection in Log4Net

Action a = ()=>{ do some work};
                a.BeginInvoke(CB, a);
        void CB(IAsyncResult ar)
            Action a = ar.AsyncState as Action;

(1) It seems UI Async cannot be implemented in Fx 4.0.
    We have to wait for Fx 4.5 async-await to have non-blocking UI
(2) AsyncRollingFile is  "async-like", slightly block UI. In my test it
    blocking UI for 9 seconds, then writing file take 40 seconds to complete.
    It is definetly faster than classic Log4net RollingFile which block UI by the entire 40 secs.
(3) Log4Net achieved Async by using Task offloading logging from a 
    queue-like buffer.I also tried TaskCompletionSource and it has similar "short-blocking" async behavior.
(4) All these async-alike can lose 20 seconds of data during delayed write to files since app can crash. 
    That is  when we really need to log why the app crashed.
(5) Fx 4.0 already has a solution to deal with Buffer overflow in Log4NetAsync --- instead of throw away
    logging, we can block logging. So we slow down but do no lose data.
    Specifically, I think we can implement IProducerConsumer using RingBuffer (so 2x faster writing files)
    and feed it to BlockingCollection with Capacity 1000.
    I tried BlockingCollection, capacity 10 or 1000, default ConcurrentQueue, end up Blocking UI for 20 secs and
    70 sec write to files. so much slower.

            Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
            for (int i = 0; i < Int32.MaxValue / 1000; i++)
               // your Log.Info

namespace Log4Net.Async
    public class AsyncRollingFileAppender : RollingFileAppender
        BlockingCollection<LoggingEvent> pendingAppends = new BlockingCollection<LoggingEvent>(10);

        Task t ;
        public override void ActivateOptions()
             t = new Task(AppendLoggingEvents,TaskCreationOptions.PreferFairness);

        protected override void Append(LoggingEvent[] loggingEvents)
            Array.ForEach(loggingEvents, Append);
        protected override void Append(LoggingEvent loggingEvent)

            Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                if (FilterEvent(loggingEvent))

        private void AppendLoggingEvents()
            LoggingEvent loggingEventToAppend;
            while (true)

                while (!pendingAppends.TryTake(out loggingEventToAppend))

                if (loggingEventToAppend == null)


            while (pendingAppends.TryTake(out loggingEventToAppend))

Monday, September 1, 2014

MEF Injects UserControls, Property and Method as Action, Func

(1) [ImportMany] handles 0 matching [Export] without blow up
(2) container.GetExportedValueOrDefault trigger IoC DI for Extensions Class
(3) IPartImportsSatisfiedNotification delay  construction of property after Ctor.
(4) Obs showed that realtime changes are injected as well.

    public partial class App : Application

        protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e)
            AggregateCatalog aCat = new AggregateCatalog(
                new AssemblyCatalog(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()),
                new DirectoryCatalog(@".\Execution")
            var container = new CompositionContainer(aCat);
            Window w = container.GetExportedValueOrDefault();

    public partial class MainWindow : Window, IPartImportsSatisfiedNotification

        IEnumerable controls { get; set; }

        [ImportMany("WinStyle", typeof(WindowStyle))]
        WindowStyle[] WinStyles { get; set; }

        [ImportMany("SetWinStyle", typeof(Action))]
        Action[] WinStyleActions { get; set; }
        public void OnImportsSatisfied()
            List l = new List(controls);
            list.ItemsSource = l; // Xaml code inject a list of UC Controls 
            if (WinStyles.Length > 0)
                WindowStyle = WinStyles[0];

    public class MyExtensions
       [Export("WinStyle", typeof(WindowStyle))]
        public WindowStyle WindS

            get { return WindowStyle.None; }
       public void SetWinStyle(Window w)
            Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3)).SubscribeOn(SynchronizationContext.Current).Subscribe((s) =>
                 w.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() =>
                     w.WindowStyle = w.WindowStyle == WindowStyle.ThreeDBorderWindow ? WindowStyle.None : WindowStyle.ThreeDBorderWindow;

    public partial class UserControl1 : UserControl
        public UserControl1()